Preview Flyer

Jump start the holidays with marketing that brings your store top-of-mind!

Sneak peek of the best new toys of the season! Custom imprinted cover and space for a coupon, this 12 page slim format (6" x 10 1⁄2") flyer excites shoppers with its colorful presentation. Mailed for you or shipped for Every Door Direct mailing or newspaper insertion.

    • 6,000 catalogs minimum order
    • Ready to ship August 10
    • Final sign-up by June 30

Imprint (one-color): Add $200
Mailing service: $250 + $85/thousand
Postage: Estimated $0.27-$0.29 each (varies by list)
Every Door Direct: Go to
for local mailing info.
Qty. Price Qty. Price
6,000 - 11,000 36,000 - 47,000
12,000 - 23,000 48,000+
24,000 - 35,000 Call For Pricing

What our clients are saying

Our customers really appreciate our Teacher Desk Calendars and some have come to expect them. They love the large boxes to write in and that they are so colorful! Many customers call ahead of time to reserve their calendar in case we run out.
Amy GreenIPA Educational Supply, MO