Toy Collection Holiday Catalog

The leading consumer specialty toy catalog for over 20 years!

Full-color custom covers brand this 28 page (8 1⁄4″ x 10 1⁄2″) promotion especially for your store. Choice of back cover products and coupon. Negotiated special buying terms and priority shipping from vendors for the sea­son’s top specialty toys. We can mail from our printer for excellent delivery at terrifically low postage rates.

  • 6,000 catalogs minimum order
  • Ready Oct 5
  • Final sign-up by June 30
Imprint (full-color): Add $800
Mailing service: $300 + $30/thousand
Postage: Estimated $0.28-$0.32 each (varies by list), Every Door Direct $0.176
Participation is limited by territory.
Click Here to read about our territory policy.
Qty. Price Qty. Price
6,000 – 11,000 .45 12,000 – 17,000 .43
18,000 – 23,000 .42 24,000 – 29,000 .41
30,000 – 35,000 .40 36,000 – 47,000 .39
48,000+ .37
12 month minimum commitment

What our clients are saying

Our customers really appreciate our Teacher Desk Calendars and some have come to expect them. They love the large boxes to write in and that they are so colorful! Many customers call ahead of time to reserve their calendar in case we run out.
Amy GreenIPA Educational Supply, MO