The Educators Resource EDI Module (Click ‘N Ship)

  • Tracks product inventory every 60 minutes.
  • It allows custom backordering settings.
    • Account Default – This is an account setting for how to handle backorders that is setup when that account is setup.
    • Ship Complete (Override) – The order will not ship until all of the items for the order are in stock.
    • Backorder (Override) – The order will ship immediately with the items that are in stock, any backordered items will be shipped as soon as they are back in stock.
  • Orders are NOT sent to ER automatically and the order must be manually submitted via the “Submit Order To ER” button.

What our clients are saying

I really like this year’s Back to School Flyer since it has a great cross-section of new products along with all of the teacher favorites! In addition, being able to customize to include my sale pricing really made for an effective selling tool!
Mike RendonLearning Zone, TX